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Status of Woozle's World-Saving Activities (WSAs)
as of 2024-07-03

world-saving .. world-improving

My WSAs have two main areas of focus: (a) actually making things better, and (b) funding to enable the work on [a]


Self-governance: I've been working for well over a decade on a concept for software that enables horizontal self-governance. The documents for that are over at InstaGov. The main goal of that project is to improve the quality of collective decision-making, while avoiding hierarchy or other unaccountable power. The two main pieces are a system for voting that avoids creating power-manipulation bottlenecs and another system that helps with truth-seeking based on evidence (as a defense against disinformation).

Other miscellany: More recently, I've come up with some other software concepts that sit outside the norm of profit-driven interests; there is a list of those on

VbzCart: In the background (and sometimes the foreground) since about 2012 is rebuilding the online retail operation I used to run and reinventing it as part of a distributed network of small retail operations that are capable of tight integration in order to have the clout of a larger company. My larger plan is to outcompete the hierarchically-organized giant-corporate business model by treating workers as fellow humans who should own the benefits of their work, and who generally have a right to live regardless of their "economic value" -- basically a socialist business operating within (and gradually eroding) the capitalist paradigm.

The reason this rebuilding is taking so long is that I've ended up rewriting and re-rewriting the application framework it uses, Ferreteria -- for a number of reasons, including:

  • Speed: Ferreteria has shown itself to be very fast, possibly because it uses no JavaScript for basic navigation and display.
  • Dexterity: I want to understand what I'm using down at least to the raw language level, so I know what can be done with it as-is and how to go about adding new capabilities when needed.
