- parodies of: the theme song from DuckTales
DuckTape! (woo-oo!)
Everybody's fixing things with
It's what holds the world together...
(See also: first post; someone else's filk)
Drug Sales! (woo-oo!)
Driving up the prices for those
Drug Sales! (woo-oo!)
Everything is profit margin --
Drug Sales (woo-oo!)
Some people need it,
can't do without it!
Price too high? Nothing
you can do about it!
What to do? Just invest in those...
Drug Sales! (woo-oo!)
Who cares if some people die? That's
Shrug Sales! (woo-oo!)
Don't you dare to regulate our
Thug Sales! (woo-oo!)
Time to buy another yacht with
Drug Sales! (woo-oo!)
Everybody's salivating
Watch those profits elevating
Drug Sales!
(See also: first post)
Truck Scales
Truck Scales! (woo-oo!)
Find how much your cargo weighs on
Truck Scales! (woo-oo!)
Need to know what tax to pay
Truck Scales! (woo-oo!)
Every 18-wheeler stops at
Truck Scales! (woo-oo!)
Everybody's calibrating
Everybody's activating
CockTails! (woo-oo!)
Everybody's mixing stuff in
CockTails! (woo-oo!)
Lots of diffrent recipes for
CockTails! (woo-oo!)
Often used for celebrating --
CockTails! (woo-oo!)
Lunch Pails
Lunch Pails! (woo-oo!)
Everybody's packing food in
Lunch Pails! (woo-oo!)
Sandwiches and bags of chips in
Lunch Pails! (woo-oo!)
Salad greens and salad dips in
Lunch Pails! (woo-oo!)
You're working weekends
The café's closed up!
You need to eat
or your brain goes toes-up!
What to do? Just pack your meals in...
Drunk Snails
Drunk Snails! (woo-oo!)
Leaving slime in sloppy shapes, that's
Drunk Snails! (woo-oo!)
If this were a driving test, you'd
Flunk, Snails! (woo-oo!)
Junk Mail
Junk Mail! (woo-oo!)
Every day, it's aggravating
Junk Mail! (woo-oo!)
Constantly, it's inundating
Junk Mail! (woo-oo!)