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Gender dysphoria (GD), in short, is a feeling of distress associated with a mismatch between gender identity and external factors which can be loosely grouped into (1) your physical form and (2) how you are identified socially.

I experience dysphoria in both of these areas; there are at least a couple of root issues:

  • I cannot imagine myself in a positive light if I think of myself as male.
  • I seem to have an intense need for certain female primary and secondary sexual characteristics.

The consequences of these issues fracture out into innumerable particulars which have basically shaped my whole life, in ways that have mostly been to my detriment although there have been some positive consequences as well.

All that said, I don't seem to follow the more common transfemale narratives.

How I'm atypical

Unlike many transfemale people, I never had any urge to self-express through feminine attire (clothing, make-up, jewelry), and really am not much interested in most of that (with a very few exceptions, such as hairclips). This has made things both easier and more difficult for me:

  • The fact that most transwomen do experience such urges, and that these urges are often overwhelming and define a large part of their dysphoria, is one of the primary things which made me think I couldn't actually be transgender, which meant that my self-discovery was delayed for many decades – when there were strong clues as early as kindergarten.
  • It also means that I can avoid the whole awkwardness of appearing to be a "man in a dress"; I dress how I've always dressed, so regardless of how I come across gender-wise, there's no clash and no social taboo being violated.
  • On the other hand, it means that I can't reinforce the gender I want to project through the means of adopting feminine fashion. It's entirely up to my physical appearance and behavior to give the right cues. So far (early 2017), I'm still mostly being pegged as male. (Some of this may be due to frequently needing to leave part of my face unshaven in order to make it easier for my electrologist to remove hairs.)

Another thing which made me think I couldn't really be transgender was that I didn't like typical "girls'" toys and games, like dolls or "playing house", though I would sometimes participate when my friends were playing with them. (I really had no idea how to interact with dolls, however; doll-play made no sense to me.) The toys I preferred – building blocks, Legos, Meccano – were generally considered "boys'" toys -- though in my experience, most of the boys actually preferred combative/destructive play that involved knocking things (and people) down.

Less well-known outside trans circles is something I've seen many transpeople say where they reject the idea that they're "an X in a Y's body", because "I am X, therefore my body is an X's body". Although I support that position for those people for whom it works, it doesn't fit me. I do pretty much feel like I'm a girl stuck inside a boy's body, and I need to do what I can to correct that in order to have any hope of feeling comfortable with myself.

Outside reading

  • Wikipedia has a page which explains how GD works in general.