Me/introduction/online activism

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I see human society as a giant software project with fixable issues.

Since early 2018 I have been volunteering with Tessa Lovelace's "Audacious Space Pirates" group, which is taking the long approach to social reform via some pretty amazing ideas that will take some years to build.

I assumed ownership of the Mastodon instance in January 2018. The founder became busy fighting Nazis in Portland Oregon and no longer had the time/energy to maintain the site; she handed me the keys when I volunteered to help out.

Before that, I started several wiki-based sites (see domains for more):

  • Issuepedia (2005): rational deconstruction of political BS
    • CWRE, the Center for Wingnut Remedial Education
    • InstaGov, a plan for better decisionmaking software
  • HTYP (2005): a practical directory of everything

I run, an instance of Hubzilla (another federated social media platform).

I want to make my online business (currently under reconstruction) into the first node of a federated business network.

I also have 30k+ followers on Google+, due largely to being an early adopter (2011) who posted a lot. I haven't been very active there since discovering Mastodon in mid-2017, but I'd like to find some way to post there more and maintain that audience; I expect it to be useful soon. WELP. So much for that. #thanksCapitalism